JPR interviews SCANDAL

JPR: It’s your 15th Anniversary.  What has been some of your best memories over those 15 years?

RINA: Each year is something very special, and I feel like we’ve been updating our best memories one year after the other. We wish to do our best while having fun to make this world tour another part of our greatest memories!



JPR: Can you tell us something you’ve learned about the other members during that time?

RINA: Every time we went on a tour abroad, TOMOMI always has the heaviest luggage! What are you always bringing?! LOL



JPR:  How would you say your band and music has evolved over those years?

TOMOMI: Given that we are each different individuals, I feel like our style is one where we bring in different ideas and mix it all together. Therefore, our band became an all-accepting band that takes in the best of everyone’s ideas.

全員が違うという前提で、アイデアを持ち寄ってミックスさせるのが私たちのやり方です。 なので、他の人のいいところを肯定しながら作れる全肯定バンドになりました。

JPR: Over those 15 years, can you tell us any surprising or embarrassing stories?

TOMOMI: I felt like we were in a tight spot during the Honolulu Ekiden Marathon & Music Festival. MAMI was feeling unwell and couldn’t participate in the concert, so the remaining three had to run in the ekiden marathon. We never usually run that much so it was tough at the moment (LOL).



JPR:  What is it about music that makes you feel passionate?

RINA: The fact that I simply just love music. Plus, I feel like if the four of us are together, then we would continuously be able to create something interesting. Maybe I just want to keep living like this.



JPR:  Tell us about your new album MIRROR.

RINA: This was an album that we created carefully while keeping in touch with the importance of the things around us as we faced ourselves in the midst of COVID. The album is our pride as it reflects ourselves in such a moment!



JPR:  What is your favorite song to perform on your newest album, MIRROR?

MAMI: My favorite is “Ainoshotai.”

I love how the lyrics and melody that TOMOMI creates puts a smile on my face with no question–I tear up whenever I play it. It’s a song that reminds me of how we always supported one another no matter what happens in our lives.





JPR:  Do you have a favorite song from all of your 10 albums?

HARUNA: That’s a hard question, but I think the most recent will always be the best!



JPR:  Are you excited about your global tour?  Any cities you are visiting for the first time?

HARUNA: Toronto, Vancouver, and Atlanta will be firsts for me, so I’m very excited.



JPR: During the lockdown, what did you do to pass the time other than your music?

MAMI: As we lost our input and were unable to perform, we stopped all music production and switched over to “a life where simply living is enough.” This became a time where we could reflect upon ourselves.



JPR: Do you follow a process or ritual before a performance to get rid of nerves or performance anxiety?

RINA: Before our performance, we have the dressing room strictly to ourselves–no staff. Because we all have different ways of focusing, we like to focus individually.



JPR: During your tour, are you planning to visit or do anything exciting?  Like visit Disney, go up the Needle in Seattle, etc.?

SCANDAL: Nothing is confirmed yet, but since it’s been a while since we’ve been abroad, so we would like to explore the different cities!


JPR: Do you have a message for your English speaking fans?

RINA: I think we’ll be able to give our best performance yet! We are looking forward to meeting you guys! Thank you for your continuous passionate support!
